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Construction Dust Action Planner For COSHH

16 June 2015

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
Construction Dust Planner

Ensuring your company is both compliant with all the relevant health and safety legislation and COSHH Workplace Exposure Limits can be difficult and confusing. How do you know if the dust levels within your workplace are excessive? Or if your employees are wearing the correct PPE?

That’s why we’ve put together this Construction Dust Action Planner to help you find out if there are any gaps in your company’s policy, and if there are, what steps you can take to solve them.

Construction Dust Action Planner

Action Points 1

  • Regardless of the Degree Of Exposure, a risk assessment should always be conducted. Perform a baseline risk assessment in order to determine risks associated with any particular task.
  • Consult employees during the risk assessment, monitor work and continuously update the risk assessment in conjunction with changes to working procedures / environment.
  • Conduct Air Monitoring in order to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations.

Action Points 2

  • Consult employees and undertake a risk assessment focussing on work and minerals.
  • Look at the work area, tasks, how often the work is done and how long it is done for.
  • Dust suppression tools include the use of water at the source of dust liberation or Local Exhaust Ventilation systems.

Action Points 3

  • Consult employees and undertake a COSHH Risk Assessment focussing on work and minerals.
  • Conduct air monitoring in order to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations.

Action Points 4

  • See what needs to be done, consult with employees and follow through implementation with a focus on stopping and suppressing dust and monitor control effectiveness.
  • Conduct air monitoring in order to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations.

Action Points 5

  • Ensure there is a focus on stopping dust through job and task design changes, through dust suppression using water, use of on-tool extraction etc
  • Conduct air monitoring in order to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations

Action Points 6

  • Consult employees and develop an action plan with a focus on stopping dust through job and task design changes, through dust suppression using water, use of on-tool extraction etc
  • Conduct air monitoring in order to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations

Experts in Construction Dust Air Monitoring

Envirocare is a leading Occupational Hygiene and Health and Safety services provider with over 150 years of combined experience throughout the UK.

Envirocare can provide assistance by carrying out independent UKAS accredited air quality monitoring within the workplace. We currently service a wide range of industries. This experience allows us to conduct COSHH Monitoring and COSHH risk assessments that are relevant and appropriate to the process operating.

Call us on 01274 738668 or fill out our Envirocare Enquiry Form for any queries regarding this construction dust action planner, COSHH, workplace exposure limits or any of our many other accredited Environmental and Occupational Hygiene services.

This article was produced for Health and Safety Week 2015.