Key Benefits of Bioaerosol Monitoring
- Protect employees from potential bioaerosol-related health complications
- Remain compliant to Environment Agency standards
- Avoid potential fines and prosecutions
- Receive reliable and accurate results
- Gain expert advice and guidance
What is Bioaerosol Monitoring?
Exposure to bioaerosols can be detrimental to health. Bioaerosols, also referred to as biological aerosol or organic dust, are airborne microorganisms such as bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, pollen, moulds or viruses. Typically, Bioaerosols are not visible to the human eye and are able to penetrate deeply into our respiratory systems. Constant and cumulative exposure to bioaerosols can cause a range of health problems including gastrointestinal illness, bronchitis, and cancer. Bioaerosol monitoring helps you to ensure the safety of your workforce and keeps you compliant to Environment Agency standards. Envirocare can offer you complete Bioaerosol Monitoring and analysis from both captured (stack) and uncaptured (ambient) sources.
It is important to monitor bioaerosols in the workplace to ensure that exposure is controlled as much as possible to protect yourself and employees from consequent health problems. Measures can include PPE, establishment of risk zones and engineered controls (such as air-conditioned vehicle cabs).
What to Expect
An experienced technician will provide you with bioaerosol monitoring, which is an intricate and sensitive exercise. Envirocare will ensure that you will get reliable and accurate results.
Bioaerosol monitoring involves:
- Continual monitoring of wind speed/direction
- Sampling upwind of site to measure the concentrations of microorganisms that are blowing onto the site
- Sampling downwind of the site to measure concentrations of microorganisms that are blowing of the site
- Sampling at a point nearest closest sensitive receptor to the site