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Stack Testing | MCERTS Accredited Emissions Monitoring

1 April 2014

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
MCERTS Stack Testing

Why are we writing this article? If a process operator needs some stack testing doing, isn’t it just a question of ringing up a couple of companies and choosing the cheapest quote? I would argue that the first step is to decide what it is that you want from the whole process. If you just want some numbers you can give to the Environment Agency or your Local Authority to keep them off your back then this approach is a risky one.

There is the story, which I am assured is true and not apocryphal, where a stack testing team arrived on a site, duly inserted equipment into the stack and generated a report. It later emerged that the process feeding the stack was not operating at the time. The work had to be repeated and there was considerable loss of face all round.

There is a range of criteria that should be considered when making your stack testing choice. You might disregard some of them but I believe it would be good practice to consider them first. The first step is to establish the objectives of the monitoring exercise.

Why Choose An MCERTS Accredited Stack Testing Company?

On every occasion you will require the provision of accurate and reliable data. Why waste time and money on anything else. If the stack testing exercise is necessary to meet the requirements of your permit then you will need to satisfy your regulator. The Environment Agency requires that the monitoring is carried out by an organisation with MCERTS accreditation covering the methodologies required and is performed by Stack Testing staff with the relevant MCERTS qualification.

If your permit is issued by your Local Authority they may or may not require an MCERTS organisation to be used. However, use of an MCERTS accredited company will yield monitoring results that are:

  • Legally robust
  • Of guaranteed integrity
  • Performed to appropriate safety standards
  • Performed by staff that are appropriately trained and qualified
  • Performed to the required methodology
  • Performed with equipment to correct specifications
  • Performed with equipment whose calibration is traceable to national standards
  • Reported to a standard format
  • Performed by a company that is third party audited by UKAS (the national accreditation body) and the EA.

Perhaps this is a periodic requirement where you will need this service again in the future. Do you want to partner up and form a relationship with your contractor? Do you need or want to be heavily involved or do you want someone to take the pressure off you? Someone you can trust to get on with the job.

Expert Stack Testing Provided By An Experienced MCERTS Accredited Company

Envirocare are able to offer UKAS and MCERTS accreditation for every Environment Agency ‘Standard Reference Method’ and many more besides.

For more information please visit our Stack Emissions Monitoring Services page.

Call us on 01274 738668 or fill out our quick and easy Envirocare Enquiry Form for any queries regarding Stack Testing, Emissions Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis or if you feel that you could benefit from our services in this field.

This article is part of an editorial written by Envirocare’s Technical & Quality Manager / Stack Testing Association Chairman Ray Pullen for the STA Annual Guide 2014