On the 1st of April Envirocare will be rebranded as Cura Terrae.

BS EN14181 QAL2/AST Calibration of CEMS

Evaluate the functionality of your Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEM) to ensure it has been correctly installed and the calibration is still valid.

Key Benefits of BS EN14181 QAL2/AST Calibration of CEMS

  • Ensure your Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) meets the requirements of environmental legislation.
  • Establish quality assurance levels, covering calibration of measuring systems to ensure CEMS meets legislation
  • Make sure your CEMS measurements are representative and accurate
  • Ensure your CEMS are functioning to a high-quality and reliable standard

What is BS EN14181 QAL2/AST Calibration of CEMS?

BS EN 14181 specifies procedures to establish three different quality assurance levels (QALs) and an Annual Surveillance Test (AST). It covers the approval, calibration, testing and monitoring of measuring systems to ensure continuous emissions monitoring equipment (CEMS) meet the requirements of legislation.

The different stages are as follows:

  • QAL 1 – Analyser suitability and assessment of CEMS equipment for its measuring task
  • QAL 2 – The validation of the CEMS following its installation (In-situ calibration)
  • AST – Similar to QAL 2 but carried out on a smaller scale (5 tests over 1 day, rather than 15 tests over 3 days). These are Standard Reference Method (SRM) Parallel tests by an ISO 17025 UKAS-MCERTS test house to validate calibration from QAL 1
  • QAL 3 – The on-going monthly check of operational performance and accuracy of the CEMS.

The overall aim is to reduce industrial air emissions by ensuring that Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems are functioning to a high-quality and reliable standard.

What to Expect

Envirocare has BS EN 14181 technical experts that will ensure regular communication throughout the project from start to finish. You will be assigned a Project Manager that will keep you updated throughout the campaign on how the CEM (Continuous Emissions Monitoring) and SRM are correlating and any issues will be brought to your attention immediately.

Our experts will then advise you on the best course of action to take.

BS EN 14181 is a very technical process and Envirocare will support you throughout the duration of the sampling campaign and beyond.

We can provide fast turnaround times on BS EN 14181 reports when required.

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