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Track and Trend your Emissions Data with eDAS®

11 January 2021

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
eDAS Track and Trend Emissions

eDAS® (our Environmental Data Acquisition System) is now available to enable you track and trend all your emissions data.

eDAS® makes monitoring your environmental performance more simple, you can:

  • Centralise your environmental performance data
  •  Integrate your legacy or EMS supplied equipment
  •  View graphs and export data at the touch of a button
  •  Get the information you need, when and where you need it
  •  User defined alerts and alarms
  •  Forewarning of an issue before it becomes a problem


With an increased visibility of environmental performance you will be able to better identify cost savings and improve decision support, environmental awareness and business efficiency

For more information on how eDAS® can support you, contact Barry Grant on 07827 331 924 or barrygrant@envirocare.org