On the 1st of April Envirocare will be rebranded as Cura Terrae.
3rd May 2022

ProtectHear visit Envirocare Bradford office

John Healey Managing Director

Envirocare have recently had ProtectHear, leaders in hearing protection and hearing care support, come to our Bradford office.

ProtectHear – Leaders in Hearing Protection

Envirocare have recently had ProtectHear, leaders in hearing protection and hearing care support, come to our Bradford office. This was to take impressions to create custom earplugs for our national team of occupational hygienists.

We are committed to ensuring that our colleagues are always safe and protected when working on our clients’ sites.

Safe practices regarding noise management are an imperative for today’s workforce; the number of workers with work-related hearing problems is estimated to be at 14000, using three years of data from the Labour Force Survey. (https://www.hse.gov.uk/)

Our team of qualified occupational hygienists work in a diverse range of industries and can be potentially exposed to high noise levels when carrying out our range of workplace monitoring & assessment services.

The Importance of Adequate Noise Protection at Work

Under The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, employers have a duty to “prevent or reduce the risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work”. It is often hard to eliminate noise hazards entirely but hearing protection can be used effectively to mitigate risk.

The individually fitted earplugs provide our team with the confidence that their hearing is well protected whilst carrying out our work.