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Understand the Medium Combustion Plant Directive

22 July 2021

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
MCPD Flow Diagram

Does the Medium Combustion Plant Directive apply to my business?

The Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) has expanded the requirements for Environmental Permits to include smaller sizes of plant which weren’t previously covered by environmental legislation. Now including new and existing plant over 1MWth input the updated permitting requirements are still being overlooked by many businesses across the UK, potentially putting them at risk of prosecution by the regulators. Do you know whether you need to comply? Use our handy tool above to see if you need a permit.

How to Remain Compliant?

Use this tool to work out what you need to do to remain compliant. If you need any assistance, please call Toby Campbell on 07385 378 562 or email tobycampbell@envirocare.org.

MCPD Flow Diagram