On the 1st of April Envirocare will be rebranded as Cura Terrae.
7th February 2014

Hexavalent Chromium Monitoring UKAS Accreditation acquired

Susan Lett Occupational Hygiene Director

Envirocare is a leading UKAS & MCERTS accredited Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Consultancy staffed by expert consultants with over 100 years of combined experience within the industry.

Moving into the 20th year of business Envirocare is pleased to announce their latest extension to UKAS scope accreditation.

Following a successful audit procedure in January 2014, Envirocare are now accredited to undertake Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)) monitoring from stacks. This milestone comes just after being named one of only a handful of consultancy’s to be accredited for Bioaerosol Monitoring back in August 2013 and increases the range of services provided to now being accredited for every Environment Agency ’Standard Reference Method’ regarding Stack Emissions Monitoring in the UK.

Envirocare are one of the very first consultancies in the country to be UKAS accredited for Hexavalent Chromium monitoring which is a significant acquisition for the company due to the growing concern from the Environment Agency to monitor the potentially harmful effects of the compound.

Chromium is a naturally occurring element that primarily exists in three states Chromium-0, Chromium III and Chromium VI (Hexavalent Chromium).

Chromium-0 is metallic and is used in the production of steel. Chromium III readily forms many different compounds and we are exposed to many of these every day in trace amounts in the air, drinking water and even food. Chromium III is an essential human dietary element. However it is Chromium VI that is the most hazardous form of the element.

Hexavalent Chromium forms many different compounds which are largely very unstable and are known human carcinogen. Other health effects include severe respiratory conditions and skin ulcers amongst other health issues. Whilst it can get into the environment naturally (soil erosion for example), industrial emissions of Hexavalent Chromium also contribute to emissions to the environment. This may be from air emissions to atmosphere or from contaminated process liquids. Industries such as chrome plating, dyeing and leather tanning can all potentially release Hexavalent Chromium into the environment. Fortunately in gaseous form Hexavalent Chromium is very unstable and tries to revert back to the less toxic Chromium-3 state.

Monitoring for Hexavalent Chrome is required for newly permitted sites operating under the Waste Incineration Directive (WID). It is expected that all sites operating under the WID will eventually need to demonstrate compliance moving forward.

Not only are we seeing growth year on year, but to be in our 20th year as a company with two new unique accreditations that very few consultancies in the field can boast demonstrates the professional and expert service that all of our consultants provide plus the depth and range of services that we as a leading environmental consultancy can offer. Further increasing the reasons to choose Envirocare for environmental services and demonstrates that both we and our customers are constantly striving to provide greater care for the environment.

Tony Smith

Experts In Hexavalent Chromium VI Monitoring & Analysis

For more information on how Envirocare’s new UKAS and MCERTS accreditation to US EPA 0061 can help you with monitoring Hexavalent Chromium emissions from stacks then please visit the Envirocare Stack Emissions Monitoring services page, call their friendly team of dedicated technicians on 01274 738668 or alternatively fill in this short and easy Online Enquiry Form.