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Health and Safety Myths Busted: Our Top 25

24 February 2014

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
Health and Safety Myths

When workers are banned from doing something, the blame is often laid firmly on legislation relating to health and safety. However, this is sometimes just an excuse for an unpopular decision or an extreme over-interpretation of much less restrictive guidelines.

Below we have outlined our Top 25 biggest Health and Safety Myths that we’ve either been asked ourselves or that have been produced by the HSE:

Health and Safety Myths Busted:

1 – A boot supplier claimed that it was banned from accepting dirty boots for return

2 – Cafes and restaurants refusing to heat up baby food

3 – A golf club told players that golf buggies were not health and safety authorised

4 – A gym-goer was told he could not lift weights without wearing trainers

5 – A woman was banned by her boss from wearing sandals in the office in summer

6 – A campsite banned sleeping in a camper van

7 – A council banned a nursery teacher from taking children to an allotment

8 – An office banned kettles as it would encourage staff to walk around with open-topped cups

9 – That Daffodils are a danger to the public

10 – A School banned yo-yos on health and safety grounds

11 – A Nightclub refused entry to a wheelchair user on grounds of health and safety

12 – A School advised they couldn’t display art work on windows using Blu-Tack

13 – A Bubble machine was banned from child’s birthday due to health and safety

14 – Cleaners not allowed to wear woolly hats while cleaning underground stations

15 – A Dentist told children they must be seated and quiet in waiting room

16 – A Museum cafeteria refused to serve children soft-boiled eggs

17 – A swimming pool told parents that children attending must wear swimming hats

18 – Offices and Schools banning Christmas Decorations

19 – Pin the tail on the donkey games deemed a health and safety risk

20 – Candy floss on a stick being banned in case people people trip and impale

21 – Hanging baskets being banned in case people bump their head on them

22 – School children being ordered to wear clip on ties in case they are choked

23 – Park benches must be replaced as they are three inches too low

24 – University graduates ordered not to throw their mortar boards in the air

25 – Trapeze artists being ordered to wear hard hats at the circus

Expert Health and Safety Consultants

Envirocare is a leading Health and Safety Consultancy with over 20 years of experience and service a wide range of industries throughout the UK. If you have any questions regarding Health and Safety Myths or just Health and Safety in general then please feel free to call us on 01274 738668, fill out our Envirocare Enquiry Form or read more about our Health and Safety Consultancy Service.