On the 1st of April Envirocare will be rebranded as Cura Terrae.

COSHH Risk Assessments

Keep your employees safe from hazardous substances in the workplace and ensure compliance with COSHH regulations with our COSHH Risk Assessment.

Key Benefits of COSHH Risk Assessments

  • Ensure and maintain your compliance with COSHH regulations
  • Keep your employees safe from hazardous substances in the workplace
  • Avoid future fines and prosecutions
  • An important communication tool to summarise the hazards, risks, controls and any actions that are required
  • Tailored to your requirements where individual assessments can be written for each hazardous substance, or for a whole process, or for a group of substances

What is COSHH Risk Assessments?

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations are an important piece of UK legislation aimed at reducing and/or controlling worker exposure to hazardous substances such as dusts, vapours, fumes, gases and microorganisms. Employers are enquired to assess the risk to their employees, and to prevent or adequately control those risks. A COSHH assessment concentrates on the hazards and risks from hazardous substances in your workplace. It is a systematic approach to identifying hazards, deciding who might be harmed and how, evaluating the risks and then deciding on what precautions to take. There is a legal requirement for this assessment to be ‘suitable and sufficient’ and Envirocare can help you achieve this.

Regulation 6 of COSHH requires that work which is liable to expose your employees to substances hazardous to health should not take place unless a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been created. The assessment should be composed by a competent person. It should be recorded properly and reviewed again when deemed appropriate e.g. as a result of process changes, or when new substances are handled.

It is recommended that you review COSHH assessments at least every 2 years

What to Expect

An experienced Occupational Hygiene Consultant will work with you to collect information on what hazardous substances you use or are produced from processes you undertake. They will gather information on which of your employees might be exposed to these and how potential harm may occur.

The consultant will then evaluate the health risks and work with you to select appropriate control measures to reduce or eliminate these risks. The outcomes of the assessment will be recorded and documented. They will then advise you on how you can monitor the performance of these controls and advise you on how often the assessment should be reviewed.

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