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Air Emissions Measurement Beyond Regulatory Compliance

31 March 2015

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
Air Emissions

Over the course of a couple of blog articles we’ve outlined the importance of Health and Safety When Monitoring Emissions and some of the many important reasons Why To Choose MCERTS Accredited Emissions Monitoring.

As we continue our series of stack emissions monitoring articles, we look at the many other reasons besides regulatory compliance for requiring air emissions measurement:

Process Optimisation

Learning about your process settings can lead to increased profitability. Why pay good money for raw materials or fuel and emit significant amounts to air? How high can I turn up the process whilst still staying comfortably within my emission limits?

A good air emissions measurement contractor with both relevant industrial experience and academic qualifications is a positive boon in these circumstances.


If you receive a complaint from the public about your emissions, it could be advisable to take action before it is brought to the attention of the Regulator.  Odour is often the basis of a complaint.  You may be surprised to know that odour can be quantified in European Odour units.

Therefore, if you measure the odour first and then take remedial action, you can measure the odour again to demonstrate that your action has been effective. If the Regulator does get involved you have evidence that you have taken action.

Product Development

Another situation where experience and academic knowledge from an air emissions measurement specialist can be invaluable is product development.

This can be a completely new product, the use of new raw materials or an amended production technique. A contractor who has an in depth knowledge of air emissions measurement techniques could be vital in design of monitoring trials that yield pertinent data that avoids, for example, costly installation of inappropriate abatement systems.

Indeed your air emissions monitoring contractor will have seen many abatement systems in action and could be a good source of advice on what type of system is appropriate for your needs.

ISO 14001

If your Environmental Management System is accredited to this standard you will know that the aim is not just to meet the emissions limits set for those pollutants in your permit. You are required to go beyond that. When you identify actions you can take to reduce emissions to air of pollutants, whether they are in your permit or not, provide evidence to show the External Auditor of the effectiveness by measuring the emissions before and after your planned actions.

Experts In Air Emissions Measurement

Envirocare are able to offer UKAS and MCERTS accreditation for every Environment Agency ‘Standard Reference Method’ and many more besides.

For more information please visit our Stack Emissions Monitoring service page, call us on 01274 738668 or fill out our quick and easy Envirocare Enquiry Form for any queries regarding Stack Emissions Monitoring, sampling, testing and air emissions measurement or if you feel that you could benefit from our services in this field.

This article is part of an editorial written by Envirocare’s Technical & Quality Manager / Stack Testing Association Chairman Ray Pullen for the STA Annual Guide 2014.